Ways To Cope With The Covid-19 Pandemic
Ever since news broke that China’s people started testing positive for the Coronavirus, people worldwide have gone into a frenzy of panic, distress, and worry. With the rapid rise in Covid-positive cases, more and more countries are doing everything they can to contain the said disease. As the days go by, it’s essential to stay calm and do the best you can to overcome and cope with this pandemic.
The Stress And Worry Surrounding The Outbreak
The sudden outbreak of the disease will, no doubt, continue to induce stress and worry worldwide. The overwhelming development of the cases may even cause long term damage to a person’s emotional and mental health. However, being able to handle the stress of it all can help you become more aware and calm while also lending a hand to the community.
Take note of the following people who may go through extreme stress when face with a crisis such as the Covid-19:
- Teenagers and children.
- Senior citizens who have chronic illnesses.
- Frontliners like doctors, healthcare workers, the police, etc.
- People who suffer from mental health issues like anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and others.
The signs of stress that you should be aware of during these trying times are the following:
- People start becoming worried and fearful of everyone’s health as well as their own.
- People show a noticeable change in their sleeping and eating patterns.
- People have a hard time focusing and concentrating.
- Excessive intake of alcohol.
- Frequent smoking and usage of drugs.
While looking out for others may be the first thing on your mind amid the outbreak, never forget to support yourself as well. The truth is, before you can start helping others, you must first begin helping yourself. Here are some tips:
How Parents Can Manage Situations And Their Children
As a parent, it is their responsibility to maintain peace and order in the house despite the outbreak. While it’s true that children tend to react the same way their parents do, not all children are the same. There will be some who cannot process the situation entirely while some remain calm and collected.
For the benefit of all parents, here are some reactions and responses that children and teens show:
- Young children cry excessively.
- Some children even return to outgrown behaviors such as being potty trained and tend to wet the bet or have “accidents.”
- Kids have unhealthy eating and sleeping habits.
- Children feel body pain, headaches, and muscle pain without definite causes.
- Children perform poorly in school.
- Children become very irritable and have frequent mood swings.
While the reactions mentioned above seem like a lot to take in, here are ways you can show your children that you support them:
- Make time and start talking to them about the Covid-19 outbreak. Explain the essential details to them.
- Please make sure they fully understand that you are keeping them safe amid the outbreak.
- Tell them about social distancing and limitations of family gatherings while the virus is still active worldwide.
- Please encourage them to plot schedules of activities while in quarantine to take their minds off of the issue.
- Show the children that you’re not in a state of panic, which will encourage them to do and think the same.
How Responders Can Lessen Stress Within Their Inner Circle
Being a first responder can affect you both emotionally and mentally. The overwhelming feeling can result in secondary traumatic stress. Here are ways you can lessen STS:
- Accept the fact that STS is a common thing among responders and even family members of those affected by the virus.
- Give yourself and your family ample time to adjust regarding the outbreak.
- Allot extra time you can use to spend time with your family and engage in activities that promote wellness and self-care.
- Refrain from talking about anything Covid-19 related.
What Happens When You Get Quarantined?
Being suspected of the virus can give you over the top stress levels. You may feel a surge of mixed emotions, you become fearful of not being able to see your family, and overall, you keep wishing that the situation becomes better.
In quarantine, always remember that what you’re doing is for the safety of your family and community. Whatever outcome, relax on the thought that you did your part as an individual.
Despite the worldwide panic, always choose to take care of your mental health first as well as your family’s. Take care of each other and support everyone who’s going through a tough time. Eventually, everything will turn back to normal.
Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19. (2020, March 14). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/managing-stress-anxiety.html
World Health Organization. (2020, March 13). Coronavirus Disease 2019. Retrieved March 18, 2020, from https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200313-sitrep-53-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=adb3f72_2
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